How Much Does a Home Inspection Cost?
Very often this is the first question asked of us when a client first contacts our company. With rising costs on just about everything and inflation it is understandable this will be one of the first questions we are asked. This blog post will cover what a standard home inspection will cost and what to expect.
How Much Will Not Having A Home Inspection Cost?
This is a question many home buyers should be asking themselves in todays market. With a competitive market, home buyers are opting out of the home inspection to make their offer more appealing.
Unfortunately this can be a recipe for distaster. Skipping the home inspection can open you up to a host of costly repairs down the road. If at all possible try to negotiate a home inspection into the agreement, spending around $400 now could save you thousands in the future.
Standard Home Inspection Cost
A standard home inspection will cost around $400 on a property that is above 1200 square feet. Under 1200 square feet or a condo will cost $350. A home inspection will take around 3 hours and includes a full colour digital report with photos and videos. A larger home above 2500 square feet will cost $450.
Are Basements Included In The Square Footage?
This is a common misconception that square footage costs includes the basement. We calculate all our fees on above grade square footage not including the basement, so in essence the basement is no additional charge.
Walkthrough Inspection
We are proud to offer walkthrough Inspections to our clients. If it is not possible to get a full home inspection due to competing offers this inspection is better than nothing. A walkthrough Inspection is limited to one hour and does not include a report. It is strictly a verbal summary as we see it.